Press and Media
For possible partnerships, media content/use, press releases, or speaking requests for Dr. Sammy, please contact Dr. Sam D. Kim is the Co-founder of 180 Church. He received his doctorate in ethical leadership at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, exploring pervasive and adaptive issues in the emotional ecology in the soul of the leader. He conducted further research at Yale School of Medicine, exploring professional burnout among caregivers.
He is a Yale-Hastings Scholar at the Hastings Center exploring the crisis of physician burnout in academic medicine and health care from an ethical perspective in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania.
He was appointed as a research Fellow in Global Health and Social Medicine at the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School and part of Harvard catalyst, where he explored and taught on inequities surrounding health, immigration and social policies.
A passionate advocate for the immigrant and the most vulnerable. He was invited to the White House to join a conversation involving dreamers during the Obama Administration. He played a key role along with other clergy in advancing policies supportive of Dreamers and urging passage of DACA, and has continued his tireless advocacy ever since, including recent persuasive writing on behalf of more just immigration policies.
Hubs to Lydia, Dad to Nathan and Josh and best pals with his dog Brownie. For more:
Harvard Medical School
Yale Divinity/Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Alliance Theological Seminary